Accredited Test Laboratory

The testing laboratory of the IAMT Group carries out component tests according to its own in-house procedures as well as according to standardized procedures. These procedures are accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS). Loads are applied to components from the outside. This is done by entering forces or torques (force-controlled component tests) or strokes or torsional angles (displacement-controlled component tests). Environmental influences such as heat, cold, water, salt or dirt can be combined with force- and displacement-controlled component tests or applied separately as specific load parameters.
- B23.2.002 PL- force-controlled component testing
- B23.2.003 PL- displacement-controlled component tests
- B23.2.004 PL- environmental simulation
- DIN EN 12082 Abs. 7: 2021-09 railway applications - axlebox bearings - performance testing
- DIN EN ISO 3452-1: 2022-02 non-destructive testing - penetrant testing