Product safety testing. Drive testing. Test rig and bench construction.
Systematically safe and sound.
Product quality assurance in the development process.
With our SAFE field of competence, we are taking operational stability and quality assurance to a new level. For us, SAFE means reliably dimensioning your designs, assemblies and constructions early on, during the development phase. Our many years of experience allow us to systematically and effectively combine numerical analysis tools and optimisation algorithms with experimental evaluation methods. In this way, and by providing the necessary test rigs and benches as and when required, we support you in your endeavours to provide your customers with safe products.

Understanding testing.
Operational stability as a product.
Your portfolio is becoming ever more diverse. A large number of customer-specific derivatives augment your product spectrum, thus increasing the complexity of your development processes. Going forward, you will need competent development partners, service providers capable and willing to take responsibility for assuring the quality of your products.
With extensive know-how in the field of fatigue strength and operational stability analysis, closely meshed with our product and process expertise, we have precisely the competence package needed to meet the associated challenges. Within the product development process, we assume complete responsibility for integration tasks relating to fatigue strength and operational stability assurance.
Our scope of services covers not only the test and analysis side but also the comprehensive engineering input so often required. We also leverage our many years of experience in test and analysis in the successful development, design and construction of customised test rigs and benches.
Proven over the years.
Experience in combination with advanced technology.
Our strength in the SAFE field of competence lies in our ability to effectively combine numerical analysis tools plus specially developed optimisation algorithms with the possibilities afforded by a modern test facility for experimental strength, stability and service life investigations. This is possible either in the accredited area according to ISO/IEC 17025 as well as in the non-accredited area. Our engineering expertise enables us to translate test results directly into product optimisation and reliably verify simulation outcomes in a closed-loop process that further grows our already extensive evaluation experience.
Our SAFE approach thus puts us in a position to efficiently elaborate trustworthy solutions. With SAFE, we feel we have a real edge over the competition: Safety and efficiency in product validation plus competence in product optimisation.

Safeguarding decisions.
Safety rendered provable and assessable.
With SAFE, you benefit from our experience in the independent preparation and definition of key evidence as well as in the selection of suitable and cost-efficient validation methods.
Using state-of-the-art facilities, we test structural components, assemblies and complete systems to determine their strength and service life properties. Our Centre of Excellence for Structural Durability with its evaluation and decision-making competence, can be relied upon to determine which measures are right for you. We safeguard your decisions by assuming clearly defined responsibility for results up to the release documentation.
Our commercial test bench solutions reflect the experience gained on the engineering side, ensuring excellence in function, accuracy, reliability and availability.